check website outbound links

Check Outbound Links from Website

Outbound links of a website can be understood as internal outgoing links or external (backlinks). Both are important to understand for your SEO. Internal cross-links are one of the most […]

What is an SEO Project Manager

What does an SEO Project Manager do?

Job title SEO Project Manager An SEO project manager is responsible for ensuring that the company’s website has a good ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Their main job […]

SEO and SEA alignment and differences

The working relationship between SEO and SEA

SEO and SEA should not be two separate areas. On the contrary, both strongly complement each other and should be working together in the digital marketing mix. But before we […]

Geotagging Marketing

Geotagging Marketing for Local Businesses

What is geotagging? Geotagging is the process of attaching geographic latitude and longitude coordinates in the metadata to media files. Often, geotags are added directly from a mobile device. Geotags […]

NoIndex NoFollow SEO Meta Tags

NoIndex NoFollow SEO Use Cases

The terms NoIndex and NoFollow keep popping up in search engine optimization. In this post, I explain – in plain English – how these terms affect your SEO results. What […]