Complete LinkedIn industries list

Complete LinkedIn industry list in Campaign Manager

LinkedIn is the largest social network for business contacts. Businesses are divided into LinkedIn industries, which consist of main categories and subcategories. Currently, (as of February 2024), the LinkedIn industry […]

buying intent keywords

Quickly boost conversions with Buying Intent Keywords

Understanding the mindset of someone browsing the internet brings you closer to delivering what they need and accumulating success for yourself. Familiarizing yourself with customers’ keywords is the best way […]

SEMRush vs Spyfu

SEMRush vs. SpyFu Comparison

Trying to fight your way through Google’s ranking is becoming increasingly difficult. Fortunately, several search engine optimization (SEO) tools have made this task more possible. We’re talking about SEMRush and […]

YouTube Video Google Ads Guide

How to run YouTube Video Ads

What are YouTube Video Ads? YouTube video ads are advertisements in video format at the beginning (pre-roll) or within a video (mid-roll). Some ads are skippable after a few seconds […]